Dee Moz - A new brand of professional class music and theater speakers


Since 1999 I’ve help build some of the best speakers, amps and subwoofers, as Co-Founder at SVS, and behind the scenes at others. Dee Moz (or “DM” here) goes back to my audio roots. Unique products with both global and US sourcing, local hand-built assembly, and reasonable pricing make this audio brand different.

Our vision? Building some of the biggest most audacious speakers, capable even in commercial-sized spaces (see our flagship Lg-Series Speakers) … but also … small, low-visibility speakers for big sound in more modest, real-world spaces. A few new tricks for me then, high-end in-walls included.

Since even the best speakers need responsive and knowledgeable support, our dedicated factory-run customer service is also part of your DM system. We’re always on duty to back up your investment in our professional-grade audio gear. From pioneers in today’s theater sound, Dee Moz knows how to deliver and install, affordable high-end audio.

This brief manual: Part of the DM Experience. No “big box-store” agenda here. VIP customer treatment is guaranteed -- no matter if you’re a Dee Moz On-Line customer, or bought from one of our authorized DM Store Front installer consultants. DM’s service is to you. At every step, we deliver world-class music, movies and game sound that exceeds your expectations. Guaranteed.